Sunday 11 July 2010

Hang-glider madness

Fireworks. Strapped onto a hang-glider.Your eyes are not deceiving you, some crazy fucking bastard actually thought this would be a great idea. How bad would it be if you were on a hang-glider and it caught fire? Nearest (and only!) escape route? Straight down at the proverbial 9m/s per second! How easily could some of those sparks, which are probably in excess of 400 degrees Celsius, have blown onto the fucking wings, or into your freaking face!! If he had detached from the wings in his sleeping-bag thing, on fire, then he would have looked like a giant grilled hot-dog hurtling down towards the spectators. Mmmmmm!

1 comment:

  1. Great shot! I love your comment...was thinking the same damn thing!
